Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Fill-Ins #163

1. Deep fried Pickles are SO yummy.
2. Seems like I have turned into one of those ladies that never leaves her house. I am always at home.
3. The snow is almost all melted.
4. God shows himself everywhere in nature.
5. It's 5:16 PM; that means almost time to start dinner.
6. A good long lasting man is hard to find.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to have a PaperMate Party at my house with some frineds and neighbors, tomorrow my plans include going into town and shopping, then preparing for a date night with hubby and Sunday, I want to try a new church in Clarendon!
You can do your Friday Fill-Ins here.


  1. A good long lasting man is hard to find. I can take that one of two ways. Both are correct too.

    I'm a stay at home person too. Well, when we aren't boating that is.

    Have a terrific day, weekend and happy Valentine's to you and hubby. Big hug. :)

  2. I like your answer for no. 4. Really true.. Enjoy reading your fill-in.

    Hope you'll have a wonderful date! :)

  3. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Looks like you have found a great man and is long lasting.
