Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today is........

What do your salt and pepper shakers look like?

I found a pair of whimsical looking boy and girl shakers at the grocery store in Phoenix, and loved them.

Today is "I Want You to be Happy Day"!

Challenge yourself to make someone happy today, even the smallest thing.

Jessica Biel is 28 today.


  1. Found you via MBC and really like your blog. The pepper shakers are so fun and Jessica Biel looks beautiful.

    Follow me back at:

    We'll get to 200 followers together. :)

  2. Thanks for the follow! Am returning the favor.

    I used to work in a Home Dec store and we had tons of cute S&P shakers. Mine are just plain ol' things now. I need to find some cute ones. Yours brought a smile to my face.

  3. I love those salt and pepper shakers! So cute : ) Mine are boring. They are just the $1 ones you find at the store. I am trying to re-model my kitchen in the chefs theme so maybe I'll try to find something like that for my next shakers.

  4. Those salt and pepper shakers are too Cute :-)
