Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Halloween Meme

1. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction? I do not have a favorite as I DO Not read horror books.

2. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy? The Alien movies
3. Who is your favorite monster? Frankenstein

4. What is your favorite Horror movie? Don't watch horror movies either...ever.

5. What horror movie gives you the most chills? ALL of them

6. What character from any horror film would you most like to play? Geez this is not a good week for me, as I hate horror films. So my answer is none.

7. Freddy or Jason? Jason is scarier

8. What is your favorite Halloween treat? snickers

9. Ghosts or goblins? Ghosts...not afraid of ghosts, but those darn litle goblins could eat me alive.

10. Friendly-faced jack-o'-lantern or scary one? Friendly

11. What is your scariest encounter with the paranormal? Paranormal is not scary to me.. After my Mom died, I would get chills and feel something touch my hair... she loved to play with my hair. have had several encounter of that kind.

12. Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? Yes I do, because I do believe our spirit can be here on Earth ..or maybe I just watch too much 'Ghost Whisperer'.

13. Would you rather be a zombie, alien, or psycho? GEEZ..neither....I'd rather br a better 'ME'.

14. Favorite Halloween costume? anything cute and not scary for children...something sexy for the hubs for me to waer.

15. Best thing about Halloween? the happy childrens faces when they come to the door

16. Person in your family who most likes Halloween (not counting yourself)? my hubby

17. Are you superstitious? a little bit

18. Share an unusual Halloween story. The only unusual story I have would be the year it was like 70 degrees on Halloween night and it is usually in the high 50s to low 60s. Just didn't feel like Halloween.

19. What did you do for Halloween as a kid? dressed up... and back then you made your costumes from your parents or siblings clothes... and went trick or treating

20. What's the best Halloween party that you've attended? A friend of ours lives in the country and had a great party about 10 years ago, complete with hayrides, scary things in the forest, people jumping out at you, haunted house, lots of great food and music.. It was a blast.
Sorry I didn't go so well with this week's theme, because I do love Halloween, just not horror. Everybody have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this part;
    " Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not? Yes I do, because I do believe our spirit can be here on Earth ..or maybe I just watch too much 'Ghost Whisperer'"
    I hope our spirit could be here...
