Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: The ABC's of Meme

A- Advocate for: Organ Donation for Transplant

B- Best Feature: my toes?

C- Could do without: I do without a lot, so this should be easy, but it's not. Memories of my ex maybe. I could have done without him altogether.

D- Dreams and desires: to travel the country in a motorhome when I get old..hey wait! I am old! Where is my motorhome? Let's GO!

E- Essential items: food, water, computer, tv, telephone

F- Favorite past time: photography

G- Good at: baking

H- Have never tried: bungee jumping

I- If I had a million dollars: I would buy that dang motorhome, and travel. First stop- Vegas Baby!

J- Junkie for: makeup I never wear, office supplies like cute little notebooks that I never use.

K- Kindred spirit: My SIL Claudia

L- Little known fact: I've gained back 40 pounds of the 100 I lost.

M- Memorable moment: waking up after my transplant and knowing I was alive.

N- Never again will I: get married.

O- Occasional indulgence: Snickers with almonds, that's how I gained back the 40 pds.

P- Profession: I work at home on the computer and love it.

Q- Quote: "It's never too late to be who you could have been!"

R- Reason to smile: my granddaughters faces

S- Sorry about: not being closer to my siblings.

T- Things you are worrying about right now: this stupid extra 40 pounds

U- Uninterested in: sports

V- Very scared of: spiders and crickets

W- Worst habits: overeating, putting things off

Y- Yummiest dessert: Butterfinger Cake

X- X marks my ideal vacation spot: US Virgin Islands

Z- Zodiac sign: Leo

1 comment:

  1. Not many people can brag about their toes.

    Have a great Sunday
