Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Language of Love and Respect

The Language of Love and Respect: Cracking the Communication Code with Your Mate

I have a hard time communicating with my husband so I was happy to review this book. It taught me how each of us loves and it works!

The energizing cycle is one example Dr. Eggerich gave as a visual to work through this cycle. He used the acronym COUPLE as a way to remember how to get through the steps (women's view)

C-Closeness . I want to be close to my husband it makes me feel secure

O-Openness I want to talk not just short answers open up to me

U-Understanding. Don't try to fix me just understand what I am going through
P-Peacemaking. Tell me your sorry.

L-Loyalty. Remind me that you love me. That I am your one and only

E-Esteem. Honor and cherish me (MENS view)


C-Conquest. Recognize and thank him for his desire to work

H-. Hierarchy. Thank him for his motivation to protect and provide for me

A-Authority Acknowledge his desire to lead, he is the head of the household

I-Insight. Listen appreciatively to his ideas and advice ---this one was hard for me to learn

R-Relationship Value his desire for you to be his friend and stand shoulder to shoulder to him

S Sexuality respond to his need for you sexually

The only thing I didn't like about the book was there seemed to be a lot of repitition. But I still highy reccomend reading this book.

You can purchace the book HERE .
* I was sent this book to give an honest review and was not paid for my review *

1 comment:

  1. The Language of Love & Respect by Cracking the Communication Code With Your Mate was more a let-down, with the notion that it would help with communication with new improved techniques. I did not feel that there was no new information presented, just techniques re-worded or renamed. It was not hard to get caught up with what Dr. Eggerichs had written in his first book because he did a nice job of reviewing the material.
