Sunday, December 13, 2009

Unconscious Mutterings #359

  1. Up :: High

  2. Scram! :: Get out of Here!

  3. Smell :: Stinky

  4. Belong :: to me, Mine
  5. Doug :: Reinhardt

  6. Collar :: flea

  7. Squirrel :: Rocky (and Bullwinkle)

  8. Chinese :: checkers

  9. Tracker :: GPS

  10. Apartment :: number 4


  1. Hello Sandy! My first time to visit here. Nice mutterings. Why do we think of stink when we see the word smell? hahaha

  2. hmmm... interesting

    can we have ?
    Exam :: Study
    Dogs :: Cats
    Xmas :: Shopping
    Mouse :: Jerry

    hehehe... more and more and more.

  3. How did I not remember Rocky and Bullwinkle???

    Great mutterings. Happy Sunday.
